
There are 9 different types of manṣabs 

military = titles that stand for ranks in the military hierarchies of the Cairo Sultanate

local = titles that award their bearers executive authority and management responsibilities in a circumscribed locality or capacity

household = titles that refer to positions linked one way or another to the organisation of the ruler’s/military leader’s household (bayt) / that were set up to look after the needs of his person, family and/or troops

public = titles that refer to positions linked one way or another to public representation of the ruler’s/local representative’s power and authority, incl. the organisation and management of public sessions, processions & courts of justice

religious = titles that represent their bearers’ authority and/or responsibilities concerning the administration of sharīʿajustice (qāḍīs, muḥtasibs etc...), the transmission of religious knowledge (ʿilm), and the coaching of mystic practices

administrative = titles that represent their bearers’ authority and/or responsibilities concerning the administration of correspondence (inshāʾ) and other non-financial aspects of administration, as organised in the dīwāns

financial = titles that represent their bearers’ authority and/or responsibilities concerning the administration of all financial matters (taxes, income, payments, grants, iqṭāʿ, waqf...), as organised in the dīwāns (eg.nāẓir, mustawfī, shādd...)

central = titles that represent their bearers’ authority and/or responsibilities as transcending all other categories

other = titles that do not fit into any of the other types