
E39 identifies all actors mentioned in text fragments, including generic groups & unnamed but relevant individuals (eg. son of x, friends of y, ….)

The detailed page contains information on:

Name = name most likely to be encountered/most frequently used in text fragments

Long Name/Arabic name = consensus on full name (laqab, kunya, ism, nasab, nisba, maʿrūf bi) from different text fragments


Generic Group = if not individual actor but group or category

Active in period = data of 6 periods (see "MPP and IHODP" page)

Born in/Died in/Age = consensus info on the basis of properties (see below)

Summary = consensus-bio on the basis of properties

Properties = structured information (groups and types) on name, kinship, patronage, mansabs, personal characteristics, involvement in political economy and culture as suggested in the different text fragments

Sources = text fragments in which the actor is mentioned

Practices = list of structured information (groups and types) on interactions defined as institution, niʿma, shafāʿa, khidma, kinship, fitna and foreign relations in which the actor was involved as suggested in the different text fragments


for demo click here: E39Actor