
E5 identifies events loosely identifiable in time and space, that are recorded in one or more text fragments, and that (generally) involve practices

The detailed page contains information on:

Type = descriptive value list with types of events (dismissal, confiscating, manipulating, …)

Period = data of 6 periods (see “MPP and IHODP” page)

Group = links this specific event to the relevant group-of-events to which it is historically and directly connected, ie. in which it gives shape to an unmistakable item within a distinct chain of events

Date = most minutely known date on which the event took place as indicated in the text fragments

Location = specific locality, district, town or city in which the event took place as indicated in the text fragments

Summary = brief rephrasing of all relevant info regarding the event described in the different text fragments

Versions = listing of all relevant references to time and place as they appear in text fragments

Actors = list of actors who participated in the event as indicated by the text fragments

Sources = text fragments in which the event is mentioned/described

Practices = coherent events are conceptualised as consisting of even smaller items: dyadic relationships between two E39 (sometimes being one individual and a generic group, or one individual and another unknown individual/group), that in most cases represent a vertical (dominant-subordinate) rather than a horizontal relation — these dyadic relationships are named ‘practices’, and they are organised according to the general group(s) and the specific type(s) which they represent 

Institutions= list of manṣabs which were mentioned in the event


For demo click here: E5event